Thursday, April 15, 2021

Global Tax Demands Global Destruction

 by Joe Siano


“The power to tax is the power to destroy.”

Chief Justice John Marshall said so two centuries ago.

His logic is unimpeachable.  To tax is to take something belonging to another by means of compulsion.  To successfully compel another human to comply with one's dictates requires the ability and will to defeat the other in a test of determination and might.  Even unto death.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently proposed a global minimum income tax rate.  The hubris is staggering.

Not so long ago, Francis Fukuyama pronounced that the world arrived at the end “the end of history”. His point was that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world’s major conflicts were resolved.  The Western Classical Liberal order reigned triumphant.  Earth was now a uni-polar world with a single superpower, the USA, leading the way.  He was wrong on many counts including the facts that another Marxist superpower and the Islamic bloc emerged to challenge Western supremacy.

However, the internal threats to American freedom and prosperity should concern liberty-minded more than those posed by rival nations.  In 1956 Soviet First Secretary taunted the West that “we will bury you”.

Although his country collapsed under the burden of faulty Communist economics, oppression, and corruption; his prophecy is proving prescient.  The Soviet Union was crushed in the arms race with the United States.  However, the toxic Marxist seed has sprouted twin vines to strangle America’s tradition of free enterprise, innovative thought and uncensored expression.

America chafes under the dual yoke of Neo-Conservatism and on the Right and the persistent and, now resurgent, Socialism of the Progressive Left.

The Neo-Cons, the spawn of Leon Trotsky, followed his blueprint of exporting revolution.  The revolution that they export is American-style democracy by means of global military interventions, endless wars and a provocative expansion of NATO.  Their efforts invited blowback terrorism.  This licensed the Feds to unleash the invasive surveillance state where nothing is private.

The reinvigorated Left, led by Bernie, AOC, Antifa and BLM is openly Marxist.  It is committed to destroying the Western culture and that has enriched and liberated millions worldwide.  Despite the vast strides that America has made economically and socially, these grievance mongers have convinced many rank and file Americans that we are guilty of some collective sins.  We are unworthy of the simple fruits of our investment and labor.

Both the Neo-Cons and the Progressives use Big Government to further their agendas.  Thus, we have the comical sequence of:

1.                George W. Bush amassing record deficits.  (His VP Dick Cheney sails that, deficits don’t’ matter anymore.)

2.                Candidate Obama slamming Bush for his financial profligacy and then flooring the deficit accelerator once in office

3.                The supposed “Swamp Drainer” Donald Trump kept piling taxpayer debt higher and deeper

4.                And Joe Biden?  What does he care?  At 78, he’s doubling down on everything to go out with a bang.

The Fed printing presses have been running non-stop during this epoch.  Inflation threatens to spin out of control.  Desperately seeking increased plunder, D.C. looks to jack up corporate tax rates.

The Administration is well-aware that when this happens, jobs and capital flee the U.S.  Thus they are asking other nations to cease competing with America by making their corporate rates unattractive.

Are we really so arrogant to think we can dictate tax policy to other nations?   Do we really think we have the power to strong arm?  To destroy?

Let’s see what the EU has say.  How about China?  Or Putin? 

The global tax is unworkable because cunning foreign politicos may make nominal concessions the to the “powerful” U.S.  But competition is as natural among nations as it is among individuals.  Therefore, they will enact Swiss cheese laws, full of holes, to attract U.S. capital.  

Our leaders are unable and unwilling to destroy other nations to enforce a global tax regime.  (Thank God!)  But they have no problem visiting violence on us.

Related Articles:

Lenin To the Left of Me – Troksky to the Right

Fighting For Democracy? For Real?


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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
Paul Simon

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