Monday, January 18, 2021

Are You Now Or Have You Even Been A Trump Supporter?

 by Joe Siano


Upon the surrender of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, with its military might intact, established imperial rule over thirteen Eastern Europe countries as well territories on its eastern / Pacific rim.  It sponsored the Communist Revolution in China.

In 1947 our wartime ally, “Uncle” Joe Stalin declared war on the United States.  His spokesman Andrei Zhdanov made this plain:

“The more the war recedes into the past, the more distinct become two major trends in postwar international policy, corresponding to the division of the political forces operating in the international arena into two major camps: the imperialist and anti-democratic camps, on the one hand, and the anti-imperialist and democratic camp, on the other. The principal driving force of the imperialist camp is the United States of America . . . . The anti-imperialist and anti-fascist forces comprise the second camp. This camp is based on the USSR and the new democracies.”

Much like today, academia, the arts and the federal government were filthy with socialists.  It was suspected that that many were giving aid and to our new existential enemy, the USSR.  This suspicion was confirmed when Richard Nixon proved that a State Department official, Alger Hiss, was a Soviet spy and when the Rosenbergs were convicted of passing nuclear weapons secrets to the Soviet Union.

The “Cold War” was on.  Senator Joe McCarthy waged a relentless, if ham-handed campaign to expose America’s enemies working from within.  His efforts earned him a special place in liberal history hell.  Per Ayn Rand :

In the late 1940’s, another newly coined term was shot into our cultural arteries: “McCarthyism.” Again, it was a derogatory term, suggesting some insidious evil, and without any clear definition. Its alleged meaning was: “Unjust accusations, persecutions, and character assassinations of innocent victims.” Its real meaning was: “Anti-communism.”

The mantra of McCarthy’s crusade was the question:  “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?”

It’s 2021 and the Communists are in the open.  While many eschew the actual  “C” word for marketing purposes, the new Lefties proudly brandish their Marxist / Socialist bona fides.   From AOC to Bernie, from BLM to Antifa*, they’re struttin’ their stuff. 

And now, the post-election hissy fit of President Trump has given Marxists license to flip the script on McCarthyism.  The watch-phrase for the day is: “Are you now or have you ever been a Trump supporter?”

Of course, no one is really going to ask you that question, nor is really about one guy.  Trump is merely a lightning rod, the poster boy for those who refuse to know-tow to liberal orthodoxy and political correctness as even his Republican colleagues frequently do.  Even now, many of them are abandoning him to hurry back business as usual, filling up the Swamp.

Nixon called his base the “silent majority”.  They were regular, non-political folks, who went about their own business and left politics to the politicians. 

Today’s average American who prefers to go his or her own way, distaining “help” or hinderance from the busybody State is now a  “deplorable”.  Unless he or she is self-employed, they must live in continual fear of losing their livelihoods least they use an “incorrect” pronoun or express an unacceptable opinion.  

Political Correctness is a reboot of Marxism.  Having failed in its economic policies and its prophecies of worker revolution, it retooled at the Frankfort School in Germany. Today’s theory of Marxism is no longer economic – Bourgeoisie exploiting the Proletariat.  Now it is about “oppressed” classes be they racial, gender or sexual orientation based.  Never mind that so many of these folks are prospering as never before.  They are suffering emotionally and psychologically at the hands of the white, Christian patriarchy.  Never mind that the free market is blind, rewarding excellence and innovation regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation.

In recent weeks the Left has taken a leap further.  

Senator Joe made life difficult for supporters of the murdering sociopath, Joe Stalin.  Today’s Progressive witch hunt wants to destroy anyone showing the least empathy for a petulant and pugnacious President who has killed no one.  In fact, he has far less blood on his hands than his more recent predecessors.  He has not engaged America in any new excursions of foreign murder.

Woke Corporate America is hopping on board, closing down channels of communication  and finance for Donald’s deplorables.  

Like the French Underground and the anti-Nazi German resistance, the opponents of the State will only be stiffened in their resolve.  Like the Apostles of old they will not be intimidated.   They will wear their stripes and battle scars with pride and defiance.

So you ask me sir, “Are you now or have you ever been Trump supporter?”

I answer in the negative – "No, I am an anarchist and secessionist".  I am your worst nightmare. 

Nonetheless, Trump made me smile when he stuck it to Washington's swamp creatures in both parties and the media.


 * Note regarding Antifa (Anti-Fascists).  This name aligns exactly with  the Stalinist quote at the top of this blog.  No coincidence.

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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
Paul Simon

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