Sunday, January 26, 2020

Impeach the Imperial City

by Joe Siano

Q. What is the difference between a porcupine and the Beltway?
A. With the porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.

The Impeachment Circus affords a fresh look at the liars, spinners, charlatans, hired guns, thugs, sycophants and thieves that we call our Government.  We behold the fruits of Democracy In action.

Sadly, about half of Americans believe that only one side of the aisle wears the black hat while the other are heroes on while stallions. Depending your sympathies, either the Ds or the Rs wear halos while their opposition is Satan’s Spawn.

Let’s set the record straight: Washington D.C. attracts the worst people in America.

Every American city is known for at least one industry or good that it produces. Detroit – cars. LA – movies & TV. Kansas City – beef.  Nashville – music.  The Bay Area – digital hardware and software.  Pittsburgh – steel.  Etc., etc.

Washington D.C. produces burdensome executive, legislative, judicial and bureaucratic edicts.  It incarcerates millions produces war and spies on us.  As predicted by the Twentieth Century’s most illustrious war hero, Washington, D.C. would prosper by feeding the war machine.  

Our nation’s capital attracts the parasite class like maggots to roadkill. From sea to shining sea America’s best and brightest no-producers flock to the Potomac’ shore to do no more than tax, regulate, plunder and coerce the good people who create the American dreams.  To distract us from who from the fact that liberty’s true enemy lives openly and comfortably in our midst, they send young men and women abroad to die fighting imaginary villains.

This illness is nothing new.

Washington, D.C.  was conceived in a whore’s bargain – The Compromise of 1790.  Thomas Jefferson conceded to Alexander Hamilton’s plan for the Federal governments to assume the State’s war obligations and initiate permanent national debt.

Hamilton then moved swiftly.  Much of the Revolutionary War was debt was held by the rank and file foot soldiers who risked life and limb for their independence.   That debt was held in heretofore worthless IOU’s that Congress was unable to pay.

In a tour de force of insider trading, Hamilton borrowed the repayment money from the wealthy Northern bankers, merchants and financiers.  He also shared his repayment plan with them so that they could buy up the poor veteran’s debt for pennies on a dollar redeem it for full face value. 
Of course, they also earned interest on the loans they made to underwrite this scam.

Hamilton’s D.C. had another plan for financing war debt – an excise tax on distilled spirits.  Farmers of modest means beyond the Alleghenies could ill afford to transport their raw grain crops over the mountains to market along the coast.  Instead they thy fermented and stilled their surplus grain, to create whiskey, a good that was more valuable and transportable.

The western farmer immediately understand that the burden of debt repayment was being placed squarely on their shoulders.  Once again for the moneymen of the East.  They resisted and the Feds sent the army to crush the Whiskey Rebellion.

Within a few short years, the Capital City was at it again passing the Sedition Act, making it crime to criticize the government of its agents.  This forced dangerous radicals like Thomas Jefferson to flee from D.C. and mute dissent.

This not ancient history.  Lincoln suppressed free speech and spied on personal correspondence in his war on the South.  President Wilson did the same in his War to Save Democracy.  To this day, Washington D.C. spies on citizens, prosecutes whistle-blowers and polices speech. 

Washington, D.C. produces nothing of value, yet it enjoys America’s highest per-capita-income by a large margin.  It does so by extracting income from America’s value producers and redistributing to favored friends. 

The feeding frenzy is not confined to elected officials.  Bureaucrats, lobbyists, influence peddlers, government staffers, administrators, arms dealers and war mongers all have their faces in the feeding trough.

Yes, Washington D.C., is the Golden Corral of the predatory class.   Impeaching one man will do far too little.  America must impeach the entire D.C. establishment for:

·        Waging illegal, undeclared and unconstitutional wars
·        Operating an unconstitutional central bank
·        Debasing currency by issuing unconstitutional fiat money not backed by gold
·        Depriving citizens of liberty and property through the power administrative regulations that are creative by bureaucratic agencies – not legislation passed by Congress
·        Trying citizens in Federal agency Administrative Courts thereby depriving them Constitutional due process and trial by a jury of their peers
·        Allowing civil asset forfeiture which empowers to seize private property without the benefit of a warrant let alone formal charges and a trial
·        Illegally spying on private and personal communications of ordinary Americans
·        Evading equal protection under the law by Congress exempting itself from the vicissitudes of the ACA
·        …and so much more

Forget the Schiffshow  in Washington.  It’s time to impeach the Imperial City now.  

A loose confederation of independent American states would surely be more prosperous, safer and peaceful than what we have now.

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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon

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