Sunday, March 29, 2020

CV19 News – A View From Walden Pond

If we read of one man robbed, or murdered, or killed by accident, or one house burned, or one vessel wrecked, or one steamboat blown up, or one cow run over on the Western Railroad, or one mad dog killed, or one lot of grasshoppers in the winter, - we need never read of another. One is enough. If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications?”
Henry David Thoreau, Walden

If you understand that all living species mutate, that successful mutations survive and are multiplied through reproduction – that’s all you need to know.  It’s called evolution through natural selection

It you understand that microorganisms can mutate and can pass on the newly evolved species in a matter of only a few days weeks or months – that’s all you need to know.

If you understand that human beings will not be able to anticipate the viral or bacterial evolution, nor adequately be able to forecast the next earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, volcanic eruption, drought, tornado, or and other sundry catastrophes – this is called humility.  Learn that.

If you understand that governments lack humility – that they lie when they claim that their “expert power” protects us better than local communities can protect themselves – that’s all you need to know.

If you understand that the party that is out of power will always insist that it can do far better of averting and alleviating the effects of disaster – that’s all you need to know.

If you understand that elected, appointed and career government officials will always act in their perceived self-interest before yours – that’s all you need to know.

 If you understand that the political and governing class will exploit any crisis or perceived crisis to further the well-being of favored interest groups at the expense of all others – that’s all you need to know.

If you know that favoritism is sold to the highest bidder – that’s all you need to know.

If you understand that government-imposed solutions always make problems worse, not better – that’s all you need to know.

If you understand that some very real man-made problems like financial bubbles, mass unemployment and financial meltdowns can and should be avoided – that’s all you need to know.

Now you know all that you need about the Coronavirus pandemic, government response and the proposed bailout legislation.

Now stop watching the lamestream news. Watch a movie.  Read a good book.  Play with you kids or make love with your significant other.

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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon

The 2 Percenter wishes you peace, love, liberty and prosperity.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Meditation CV19 – Patrick Henry

by Joe Siano

Oh the song of the future has been sung
All the battles have been won
O'er the mountain tops we stand
All the world at our command
We have opened up the soil
With our teardrops and our toil

Canadian Railroad Trilogy (Gordon Ligtfoot)

And here with stand on the threshold of transhumanism when decay, disability and death will be defeated.  Through the intercession of the holy trinity of Bezos, Branson and Musk we will soon colonize and monetize the solar system.  

Yet we cannot drive to the other side of the Falls to visit Canadian cousins.

General William Lind, speaks of Fourth Generation War, “where the state loses its monopoly on war”. 

“All over the world, state militaries find themselves fighting non-state opponents such as al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the FARC. Almost everywhere, the state is losing.”

So riddle me this, if the Big State, with the Big Guns, the Big Bombs and the Big Pockets cannot subdue the nimble and energetic little foes that it sees, how will it ever subdue the enemy that we cannot see?

The purported Drainer of the Swamp is now calling us to trust the same Big State, with its Big Experts, Big Science and Big Resources to defeat a foe that moves more rapidly and clandestinely than a band of jihadists.   

Those of the Progressive bent insist that we would already have this whipped if the current Cretin in Chief was not in the way.  A wise and enlightened Great Leader, informed by great science, would have foreseen this and stopped it in in tracks.

I don’t think so.

Our nation state, like all nation states, was an Industrial / Mass Production Age invention.  Its purpose was to harness its people’s productive resources to smash other nation states and kill their people.   And it was fabulously successful.  The Twentieth Century was by far the bloodiest on record, as civilian non-combatants became legitimate targets because they produced the goods to feed, clothe and arm front line warriors.

Nonetheless, innovation, creativity, knowledge, wisdom and social order never rain from the top down.   Social solutions emerge from the myriads of individuals and communities that spontaneously invent, test and adapt ideas..  The most successful of these are adopted, adapted and refined by neighboring communities in an ongoing feedback loop beyond control of the Big Guy.  

But speaking of the Big Guy, he has blocked access to the Biggest Of All. 

At the very moment that we need God most, the Powers That Be have pushed Him aside and shuttered the houses of worship.  “Don’t’ worry Big Fella, the Government has this under control.”  Yeah, right.

We have reached a Tower of Babel moment of misplaced trust in the power of Mighty Men.

 Two and half centuries ago, Patrick Henry roared, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” 

Today, fearing death and discomfort, the “world’s last best hope” laid down its freedom.  We sold our birthright for a mess of pottage.

And many are dead men
Too silent to be real

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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon