Saturday, August 3, 2019

Vote Yourself A Free Electric Car - Save the World

by Joe Siano

One thing is clear from the Democratic debates.  We have only about ten years before climate meltdown.

The challenge is how to break Joe and Jane Sixpack of their addiction to high horsepower vehicles powered by cheap fossil fuels?

The slam dunk solution is a FREE ELECTRIC CAR FOR EVERYONE! 

Everyone loves a free car.  Just ask Oprah.

I offer this policy proposal to any candidate who will take it.  The one who does will find him or herself to driving all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The FREE ELECTRIC CAR FOR EVERYONE! platform is a sure winner.  It scores big on every Progressive agenda item.

1.       Climate Change – This is obvious. ‘Nuff said.

2.       Jobs – All FREE ELECTIC CARS will be domestically produced.  This hits Trump where it hurts.

3.       Unions – All cars must be UAW made from steel made by the United Steel Workers with ore mined by UMWA (Take that, Donald!)

4.       Diversity – This Union Labor must comply with Federally mandated minimum quotas for ethnic minorities

5.       Inclusiveness – As with the above the FREE CAR workforce will contain an equitable representation of the LGBTQ community

6.       Livable Wage – All workers in the Free Production Change will receive at least a $50 hurly wage with annual COLA adjustments

7.       Universal Healthcare – Full health care benefits will be given to all FREE CAR workers

8.       Universal Healthcare 2 – All FREE CAR drivers will be covered by FREE CAR INSURANCE – which also provides for medical coverage to anyone injured in or by a FREE CAR

9.       Immigration – Not only will all Undocumented Aliens receive a FREE CAR but all immigrants on their way here will no longer need to walk or pay disreputable thugs to transport them.  They will be drive to America in their brand-new FREE CAR!  What a country.

10.   Infrastructure – America will need to build infrastructure to charge all these new electric cars.  Obviously, this workforce must meet all the unionization, diversity and inclusivity requirements of the above workers.   They will also be paid the same $50 minimum hourly wage along with all benefits.

11.   Job Security – Jobs will be secured as new cars will be needed as Teens achieve driving age.  Also, all 5-year old vehicles will be scrapped and replaced with more technologically advanced / higher efficiency models

12.   To Each According to His Needs – FREE CARS will be given only to those earning less than $200,000 per year (Household income) and / or less than $2 million in assets (including home value).

13.   From Each According to Ability / Tax the Rich – The FREE CAR BONANZA will be funded by taxing the indolent, greedy, rapacious and exploitive One Percent.

Bernie and the AOC crew implore their party to Go Big.  This is as big as it gets.  The winning ticket.

David Axelrod counsels that Democrats must reclaim the “Yes We Can!” spirit.

If anyone tells you that the government cannot give everyone a FREE CAR, just look him in the face and say, “Yes we can, you fascist”.

This, my friends, is the Audacity of Hope.

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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon