Sunday, June 21, 2020

Burn the Constitution - Today

by Joe Siano

The ancient Greeks call it kairos - the right, critical, or opportune moment to act.

If you are sick of centralized Washington, DC control for whatever reason, now is your moment. The current mania for nullifying and erasing history makes detaching yourself feasible.

Here is s how it works.  The logic is unimpeachable:

1.      Any federal law or statute passed before the 1965 Voting Rights Act could not have adequately weighed in the interests of excluded minorities of Color
2.      Any federal laws passed prior to the enactment of 19th Amendment in June 1919, clearly did not account for the interests of half the population

Thus, any federal laws passed before 1919 must null, void and invalid. This  includes the Granddaddy of Them All – the United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land that, theoretically makes us “one nation”.

As if the two arguments above are compelling enough, a survey of the Constitution’s framers affirms that the interests Jews, Latinos, Moslems, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Hindus, Buddhists and LBGTQ community were underrepresented if not completely ignored.

In fact, the founding law of the United States of America was entirely the work of wealthy, white, mostly Anglo-Saxon guys, many of whom held slaves. 
If what the Declaration of Independence says is true, that governments derive their “just powers from the consent of the governed”, it is clear that consent to the Constitution was not attained.

Therefore, the federal Constitution to be held to be null and void.   Let it be  be cast upon the modern day Bonfire of Vanities along the many statues, monuments and other relics of injustice.

From this moment, all former states of the union, cities, towns, communities, and private individuals should consider themselves free to configure and join any associations of governance that they best feel is suited to their needs.  Or not, if you so choose.

Lest you think I’ve gone totally bonkers, a large and respectable body of opinion lobbied against the adoption of the Constitution when it was submitted to ratification by the States.   Their arguments live in the historical record as the Anti-Federalist Papers.  In sum the papers consist of eighty-one compelling arguments.  Here are few samples.

·        Article #1 calls the Constitution A Dangerous Plan of Benefit Only to The "Aristocratick Combination." (their spelling)
·        Article # 7: Adoption of The Constitution Will Lead to Civil War.
·        Article #9: A Consolidated Government Is a Tyranny.
·        Article 35: Federal Taxing Power Must Be Restrained.
·        Article 39: Appearance and Reality-- the Form Is Federal; the Effect Is National

This was prophetic.  We know that we are an oligarchy controlled by special interests and the Fed.  The “federal” government became a national government.  This was codified in the 14th Amendment.
America one civil war and is on the brink of at least one more.

 I hate no one.  It is time to acknowledge that the center can no longer hold and dissolve the ties that bind.  Let’s agree to disagree, shake hands move peacefully forward to smaller communities governed by the principles that best suit their constituents.

I once styled myself as a Constitutional libertarian.  I wanted to believe but the document has failed.   We are not only not a federation, but a global empire ruled from an imperial city.  The time for change is now.  Irresistible forces demand it.

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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon

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