Thursday, August 13, 2020

The New Kamalot and the Trojan Horse


by Joe Siano

Two ancient legends just collided - the Anglo-Celt fable of Camelot and the Grecian yarn of the Trojan Horse.  

The Kennedy family and their apologists wrapped the JFK presidency in the mantle of Camelot.  In this idyllic kingdom, even the weather abides by the whims of a benevolent ruler.  This ruse served the Hyannis mob well deflecting attention from their record of election fraud, mob connections, womanizing, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the Vietnam escalation and more.

The new Kamalot was unveiled today.  A crusading Sheena ascended from the West to rescue the Republic and establish a new reign of love, harmony and justice.

This Kamalot is as fictitious the first.

This Princess of Progress, the daughter of a Stanford professor and a cancer research styles herself as a child of the hardscrabble hood.

Her record as prosecutor might qualify her to be a Trump appointee.  The Sacramento Bee reports that “her actions were sharply criticized by many activists in communities of color.”  The L.A. Times tells of her harassing low-income families with unpayable fines and jail time to improve school attendance.

She “opposed a state initiative to soften minimum mandatory sentences  The Washington Free Beacon tells how heroine “Packed California Prisons With Pot Peddlers”.    She obstructed marijuana legalization, body cameras for local police and endorsed the death penalty.

Her actions fell heavily on Communities of Color – particularly its young men.

In this summer of BLM rage, this track record would have her pilloried if she were of another sex, ethnicity, and party.

Although she has been on the public payroll since leaving law school, she has clear notions of what makes commerce hum while being green, just, and inclusive.

Yet the Queendomof Kamalot cannot be established as long she is but the second banana in the Republic.

Thus, we need a Trojan Horse.  The Warrior Princess will be snuck into Imperial City the as the

sidekick to the kindly and affable old fool.  He will be showered with hosannas and palms as he hugs and kisses his way to the throne room. 

Once inside, the Republic will witness history’s first coup by senescence.

And thus, the Queendom of Kamalot will be founded and Kamala shall reign.

Long live the Queendom of the Cop! Long may she rule by the sword, hammer and shackle.

"Taking the knee” will have a whole new meaning.

Kamalot! Kamalot!
I know it gives a person pause,
But in Kamalot, Kamalot
Those are the “legal laws

In short, there's simply not
A more deserving spot
For building the police state than here
In Kamalot.

Related Articles:

David, Absalom, Prosecutors and Cops

The Politician and the Producer


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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon


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