Sunday, November 15, 2020

Beware The War On COVID - Winter Is Coming

 by Joe Siano


The forthcoming Biden administration has big plans for taking on COVID-19.  They haven’t quite declared it a war yet but the President Elect has elevated it to at least, “one of the most important battles our administration will face”.

The campaign website employs the language of societal mobilization:

·        “elimination of all cost barriers to preventive care and treatment “

·        “full deployment and operation of necessary supplies, personnel, and facilities”

·        “A decisive economic response”

·        “an immediate set of ambitious and progressive economic measures, and further decisive action”

·        “spend whatever it takes, without delay”

·         “Mounting an effective national emergency response”

·        “Rallying the world to confront this crisis”

No, he has not dropped the “W” bomb yet but he’s skating up real close to it.

World War I proved to be an epiphany for Centralizing Statists.  Woodrow Wilson fabricated an existential threat to the American way of life out of a classic European territorial struggle.  The kind that George Washington warned us to avoid.  Progressive Elites were delighted at how easily Americans capitulated to wartime planning:

“As the quintessence of Murray Rothbard's "welfare-warfare state," Wilson's regime exploited military

challenges to expand government planning. Wartime boards and commissions regulated everything from food prices, wages, and transportation to expressed or implied political opinions. They also produced a mobilized but browbeaten population. A Department of Information controlled and filtered the distribution of news; and local committees were organized, under federal supervision, to report on the expression of pro German or anti-American sentiment.”

Wilson’s manufactured wartime crisis endowed the Central State with two gifts that keep on giving – the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax.

The point was not lost on the best and brightest Utopian Dreamers:

“because war demanded paramount commitment to the national interest and necessitated an unprecedented degree of government planning and economic regulation in that interest,  (Progressives) saw the prospect of permanent socialization, permanent replacement of private and possessive interest by public and social interest, both within and among nations.”

America has been on a wartime footing ever since.  Sometimes we have gone abroad to find actual shooting wars.  More often, politicians of both parties have declared an unending succession domestic wars.

Wars on Crime, Poverty, Drugs, Terrorism et cetera, ad nauseum.   

Continual faux crisis have drained our wallets, mortgaged our future, invaded privacy, destroyed lives, curtailed liberty, distorted education and numbed minds.   Kangaroo administrative courts, no-knock warrants and civil asset forfeiture have made due process a joke.

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”  Thus sayeth Rahm Emanuel. 

The Statist mind is fertile, imagining the unimaginable.    Be prepared for wars.

Winter is coming.

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President Nucky O


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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon


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