Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Scarecrow, The Tin Man and Socialism


by Joe Siano

They say that those who cannot do, teach. 

Socialism is the subject.

The free enterprise system, otherwise known a capitalism, has lifted the world out of poverty.  The engine of competition, investment, innovation and global markets has made a handful of people very rich. More importantly, it has lifted billions of people out of misery and despair.

Art, culture and learning flourish in times of prosperity.  Think of ancient Athens, Rome and Renaissance Florence.  Culture, art and higher education are luxury goods that a subsistence economy cannot afford.

The arts, culture and scholarship help the human spirit soar to new heights.  However, over 60 years ago,  Joseph Schumpeter unveiled how the intellectual class that  that capitalism birthed and nurtured seeks to kill its patron.

"Capitalism inevitably…educates and subsidizes a vested interest in social unrest
One of the most important features of the later stages of capitalist civilization is the vigorous expansion of the educational apparatus and particularly of the facilities for higher education.

The man who has gone through a college or university easily becomes Capitalism’s Greatest Enemy: 

.....capitalism is being killed by [one of ] its achievements… [the] swell [in] the host of intellectuals. psychically unemployable in manual occupations without necessarily acquiring employability in, say, professional work.

All those who are unemployed or unsatisfactorily employed or unemployable drift into the vocations in which standards are least definite.…They swell the host of intellectuals…whose numbers hence increase disproportionately. They enter it in a thoroughly discontented frame of mind. Discontent breeds resentment….righteous indignation about the wrongs of capitalism

The hostility of the intellectual group—amounting to moral disapproval of the capitalist order—is one thing, and the general hostile atmosphere which surrounds the capitalist engine is another thing.

Capitalist evolution produces a labor movement which obviously is not the creation of the intellectual group. But it is not surprising that such an opportunity and the intellectual demiurge should find each other. 

Labor never craved intellectual leadership but intellectuals invaded labor politics. They had an important contribution to make: they verbalized the movement, supplied theories and slogans for it—class war is an excellent example—made it conscious of itself….They naturally radicalized it, eventually imparting a revolutionary bias”
- from Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

Thus those who could not do, taught. They peddle anger and resentment against the free market system that spawned them because they feel underappreciated. 

Their economic prescriptions have failed miserably again and again  Thus, they have imagined new oppressions at which to rail – sexism, racism, genderism and so on.

Since they have diplomas, certificates and an alphabet soup of credentials after their names, academic and cultural elites pretend to be a superior breed. .  They are not.

They are the Scarecrow of Oz.  He still has no brain upon receiving a diploma.  Never did and never will, despite the sheepskin in his hand.

Socialists are also like the Tin Man.  They have no heart.  At its core, socialism is the application of coercion and violence to bring others into compliance with one person’s or one party’s vision of utopia.  Utopians have, killed, imprisoned and tortured millions to implement their fantasies.  They have destroyed nations and countless lives with no trace of remorse.  They are  heartless Tin Men 

Dorothy is the naïf who pines for a better world.  She longs for:

a land that I heard of once in a lullaby….
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true

Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops

We all know and love Dorothies who want the best for everyone.  Our job, as advocates for liberty, is to gently disabuse daydreamers of their fantasies before they open the door to disaster.

And what about that Lion?  Well, Social Justice Warriors are always lyin’. 

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8 KJV)

SJWs and Satan  – both liars.  Ain't that the truth?


Click here for a nice distillation of Joseph Schumpeter’s thinking.


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How Socialism Makes You Stupid

A Day In Hollywood A Night In Vienna


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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon

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