Sunday, October 11, 2020

The 25th Amendment Charade


by Joe Siano


Welcome to October – the month for trickery, masquerades and disguises.

So please do not be fooled for one second that the recent 25th Amendment test drive was about Donald Trump’s COVID scare.  This is a dress rehearsal for early termination of the Biden Presidency. 

The Democrat Party was cynical enough to nominate a man of clearly diminished mental capacity and then complement him with a young, vigorous far-left radical as his running-mate.  Their hope is that good old, “moderate” and road-tested Joe will be installed as President in January.  Being the “team-player’ that he is, Joe will give the job the old college try for a year or two.  Despite his best efforts, it will become obvious to Joe and everyone else, that he is not up to the task.

That’s when the 25th Amendment will be invoked for real.  

President Biden will step down with all laurels, hosannas, accolades and honors heaped up him.   He will be praised for courage and self-sacrifice, perhaps even compared to George Washington for voluntarily releasing the reigns of power for good of the nation.  Biden’s abdication will set the stage President Harris to stand for President twice as an incumbent.  This nearly guarantees a twelve-year Democrat dynasty.

However, incumbency may not prove to enough to guarantee a 12-year run.  The wheels may fall off and those ever-fickle swing voters might hanker for change.  Thus precautions must to taken – and they will.

Should the Democrats manage to flip the Senate, you can bet dollars to doughnuts that they will:

1.      Suspend the filibuster to keep annoying dissidents like Rand Paul quiet

2.      Pack the Supreme Court with gaggle of 40-something collectivists so that no Executive or Legislative initiatives are ever blunted

3.      Grant statehood to Washington DC to guarantee two more automatic Senate seats

4.      Abolish the Electoral College so that big population, liberal states like New York and California can bend the nation to their will

5.      Open the immigration floodgates and turn on the benefits to the new arrivals - thus a purchasing a fresh electoral base for a solid generation

Then we will really  see “Democracy in Action” – perhaps through the barbed wire of a gulag.


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"Half the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election.
Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
- Paul Simon

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